Finder numbers and appeal codes are used on printed giving forms to help track the performance of solicitation mailings. Out-of-date devices can lead to inaccurate reporting on performance data.
Finder numbers and appeal codes are used on printed giving forms to help track the performance of solicitation mailings. Out-of-date reply devices can lead to inaccurate reporting on performance data. Any existing giving device should be reviewed by WFAA’s Gift Services Team annually, and any new giving device should be reviewed at the time of its creation. Please contact Gift and Fund Management to review your device.
Finder Numbers
Finder numbers are used only on solicitations and are assigned to a specific person for a specific giving form. Finder numbers are created as part of the marketing efforts we undertake and will be included in any list request outputs delivered by WFAA’s Business Intelligence Team. They should be included on the bottom left of your giving form.
- Can track by person and by giving device/tactic
- Must be requested as a marketing project prior to printing your giving form
- Because a finder number is assigned to a specific person, it must be collated to that person’s envelope and could incur additional collation costs. (Can offset costs by using attached devices and window envelopes.)
Appeal Codes
Appeal codes are created for and assigned to a specific mail piece — not to a specific person — by WFAA’s Gift Services Team. Every appeal code includes a year associated with that appeal, so it is important to refresh your giving form with every appeal or at least annually. The appeal code should be included at the bottom left of your giving form. Please contact us if you need an appeal code for your giving device.
- No mailing collation costs
- Must be requested prior to printing your giving form
- Does not allow you to track responses by multiple devices (sending multiple pledge cards)